The initiative TanzVersammlung Rosenthaler – Tanzen gegen Rechts (Rosenthaler Dance Meeting – Dancing Against The Right) organizes demonstrations in collaboration with like-minded campaign groups like Berlin Gegen Nazis (Berlin Against Nazis), the Anwohner*innen Initiative für Zivilcourage gegen Rechts (Neighbourhood Initiative for Civil Courage – Against Right-wing Extremism) or the RCC (Reclaim Club Culture) for mutual protest against marches of right-wing extremism and populism and against racial ideas. For some time now, we have been increasingly concer-ned with bringing back the values of the Techno movement to the general consciousness. Therefore, we are promoting the idea that
the experience of electronic music in the club should occur once again at eye level with the values of the Techno movement. “We must defend this valuable freedom – which is the freedom to party as well – and the people who are making it possible against the threat of nationalist and conservative ambitions.” (Excerpt from the speech by DASFAX on 3rd of October 2019 at the demonstration of the RCC).
Demonstration on 12th of October 2019
Demonstration in commemoration of the victims of Halle. A perpetrator, a self-confessed follower of the right-wing circuit, had indiscriminately killed two people in the vicinity of Jewis institutions in the town center of Halle, a city in Germany.

Demonstration on 3rd of October 2019
The Neighbourhood Initiative for Civil Courage – Against Right-wing Extremism, supported by the Rosenthaler Dance Meeting and Berlin Against Nazis, organized a large political rostrum against the ight-wing march near the venue Friedrichstadtpalast. Artists like Gigo Flow, Bernadette la Hengst, KAFVKA, Rainald Grebe and Esels Alptraum kept the protesters happy on the cold day of October 3rd and strongly declared that there is no place for right-wing populism.

Demonstration Splitter&Nackt on 3rd of October 2019 by the RCC (Reclaim Club
For a dancing protest procession through Berlin Mitte against the Nazi march, the RCC organized a sound system and mobilized the Berlin Techno scene. Berlin Underground DJs played straight hard Techno. Speeches were held as well during the demonstration, and among the orators was DASFAX who spoke up for the values of the Techno movement (Die Werte der Techno-Bewegung).

Demonstration on 19th of May 2019
The Shining Demonstration of the Many (Glänzende Demo Der Vielen) paraded through Berlin Mitte for an open society, diversity and tolerance – against racism. The Demonstration of the Many was joined by various Berlin-based operations engaged in the cultural sector like the Volksbühne and the Friedrichstadtpalast to name but a few, as well as associations and initiatives like Berlin Against Nazis or the Neighbourhood Initiative for Civil Courage – Against Right wing Extremism.

Radio 1 DJ Anja Schneider (Mobilee and Sous Music) supported the event through her network. DJ Makarov and Anja Schneider in duet with DASFAX turned the protest march into a euphoric dance floor of Dancing Against The Right.
Demonstration on 9th of November 2018
Lights on against Nazis!

Demonstration on 3rd of October 2018
The initiative Rosenthaler Dance Meeting organized the demonstration at the Rosenthaler Platz against the Nazi march through Berlin Mitte. Matthias Roeingh alias Dr. Motte supported the event with his network and turned the Rosenthaler Platz into a worthy dance floor of Dancing Against The Right.